For now, the first 3 books, covering the years 1985-1993 of the American Lutherie bulletins.

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011


Classic Guitar Making by Overholtzer [William McCaw], v1p486

Constructing the Mountain Dulcimer by Kimball [Peter Estes], v1p486

Guitars and Mandolins in America by Hartman [John Bromka], v1p487

The Strad Facsimile by Ward [Fred Battershell], v1p487

Lutes, Viols and Temperaments by Lindley [Ed Kottick], v1p488

Guitars: From the Renaissance to Rock by Evans [C. F. Casey], v1p488

Technique of Violin Making by Wake [Fred Battershell], v1p489

1/1: Quarterly Journal of the Just Intonation Network [Ed Kottick], v1p490

Experimental Musical Instruments [Fred Carlson], v1p490

The Science of Sound by Rossing [Paul Wyszkowski], v1p491

Luthier's Mercantile Catalog [Fred Battershell], v1p492

Geometry, Proportion, and the Art of Lutherie by Coates [R. E. Bruné], v1p492

Violin-Making As It Was, And Is by Heron-Allen [Kirk Janowiak], v1p494

The Early History of the Viol by Woodfield [Christopher Allworth], v1p495

Julian Bream: A Life on the Road by Palmer [Gila Eban], v1p496

SMAC83: Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference [Tom Rossing], v1p496

Pre-Revival Appalachian Dulcimers by Smith [James Flynn], v1p497

Italian Violin Varnishes by Fry [George Manno], v1p498

Physics and Music by Fletcher [Tom Rossing], v1p498

The Fine Guitar by Oribe [C. F. Casey], v1p498

Guitar and Vihuela: An Annotated Bibliography by McCutcheon [Joseph Johnson], v1p499

From the Pages of Experimental Musical Instruments, Volume 1 [Tim Olsen], v1p500

A Guitar Maker's Manual by Williams [Cyndy Burton], v1p500

New Yorker Special by Cohen [Tim Olsen], v1p500

Selected Articles from VSA Journal [Ernest Nussbaum], v1p501

Violin Set-Ups and Adjustments by Erlewine and Newson [George Manno], v1p502

Manuscript on Violinmaking by Marchi [Don Overstreet], v1p502

Appraisers Reference Manual by Florence [George Manno], v1p502

The Flamenco Guitar by George [David Macias], v1p503

Experimental Musical Instruments, Vol. II [Tim Olsen], v2p490

Guitarmaking: Traditon and Technology by Cumpiano and Natelson [Cyndy Burton], v2p490

Guitars and Mandolins in America by Hartman [Joseph Johnson], v2p492

The Shrine to Music Musem [Tim Olsen], v2p492

Guitars, Guitars, Guitars by Crocker, Brinkmann, and Riggs [Mark Humpal], v2p493

Tuning the Wood by Hemphill [Mark Humpal], v2p493

Experimental Musical Instruments, Vol. III [Tim Olsen], v2p493

Useful Measurements for Violinmakers by Strobel [Al Stancel], v2p494

The Steel String Guitar: Construction and Repair by Young [David Thormahlen], v2p495

Antonio de Torres, Guitar Maker by Romanillos [Burton and Elliott, Huttig, and Schneider], v2p496

Classic Italian Varnish by Baese [Robert Lundberg], v2p497

Make and Play a Lute by Taylor [Jim Flynn], v2p500

Musical Acoustics — Selected Reprints by Rossing [Steve Newberry], v2p500

Constructing a Bluegrass Mandolin by Siminoff [David Riggs], v2p503

Wood Handbook by Forest Products Laboratory [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

The Encyclopedia of Wood [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Wood in Australia by Bootle [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Understanding Wood by Hoadley [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Elseviers Wood Dictionary, Vol. I by Beekman [NicholasVon Robison], v2p504

Checklist of United States Trees by Little [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Imported Wood Purchasing Guide by Int. Wood Trade Publications [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Tropical Timbers of the World by Chudnoff [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

What Wood is That? by Edlin [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Whittling and Woodcarving by Tangerman [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Eisenbrand Inc. by Exotic Hardwoods [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Product Reviews [Harry Fleishman], v3p434

How to Make a Violin Bow by Henderson [David Riggs], v3p462

Guitar Player Repair Guide by Erlewine [Manny Bettencourt], v3p463

Steel-String Guitar Construction by Sloane [David Riggs], v3p463

Making Stringed Instruments by Buchanan [Fred Casey], v3p464

Fine Woodworking Design Book Five [Harry Fleishman], v3p464

The Fender Guitar by Archard [K. Kobie], v3p465

Modern Classical Guitar by Sprenger [Fred Casey], v3p465

The Gibson Guitar (Volumes 1 & 2) by Bishop [Gary Frisbie], v3p466

The Luthiers Mercantile Catalog [Cyndy Burton], v3p467

Identifying Wood by Hoadley [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p467

Making Guitar 1 by Fort and Riss [Lloyd Zsiros], v3p468

Animal Magnetism for Musicians by Zwann [Curt Carpenter], v3p469

The Ultimate Guitar Book by Bacon [Lloyd Zsiros], v3p469

The Workbench Book by Landis [Robert Lundberg], v3p470

Building a Herringbone Style Guitar by MacRostie and Erlewine [Dave Maize], v3p471

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