For now, the first 3 books, covering the years 1985-1993 of the American Lutherie bulletins.

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

Physics, guitar

Basics of Air Resonances [W. D. Allen], v1p8

Radiation from Lower Guitar Modes [Graham Caldersmith], v1p68

Kasha Guitar Soundboard [Gila Eban], v1p214

Kasha Soundboard without Waist Bar [Gila Eban], v1p266

Bars and Struts [José Ramírez III], v1p292

Relation of Science to Aesthetics in Lutherie [Michael Kasha], v1p290

Controlling Strings, Wood, and Air [Carleen Hutchins], v1p300

Dissolving the Mysteries [Graham Caldersmith], v1p346

The Effect of Bracing on Guitar Resonance [J. and O. Jovicic], v1p402

Developing a New Design [Steve Klein], v1p416

Review: Lutes, Viols and Temperaments by Lindley [Ed Kottick], v1p488

Review: The Science of Sound by Rossing [Paul Wyszkowski], v1p491

Review: Physics and Music by Fletcher [Tom Rossing], v1p498

Harmonic Analysis of String Excitation Methods [J. and O. Jovicic], v2p20

Archtop Guitars: Is Bigger Better? [Steve Grimes], v2p58

Resonace [Roger Siminoff], v2p99

Fret Crown Radius: A Cause of Pitch Error? [Steve Newberry], v2p106

An Interview with H. E. Huttig [David B. Fisher], v2p109

An Introduction to Guitar Acoustics [Thomas D. Rossing], v2p124

Sound Radiation from Guitars [Thomas D. Rossing], v2p144

Soundboard Bracing Considerations [Paul Wyszkowski], v2p201

Sound Generator for Experimentation [Matt Fichtenbaum], v2p203

Testing Tonewood Samples [Graham Caldersmith], v2p400

Review: MusicalAcoustics — Selected Reprints by Rossing [Steve Newberry], v2p500

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