For now, the first 3 books, covering the years 1985-1993 of the American Lutherie bulletins.

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011


Windows in Time [Jonathon Peterson], v2p406

Questions [Cyndy Burton], v2p480

Building the Prima Gusli [James Flynn], v3p100

Prima Gusli Plan [James Flynn], v3p106


Workbench Design Ideas [Mark Stanley], v1p18

Woodshop-in-a-Can [James Jones], v1p244

Barber Chair Workbench [Michael Sanden], v1p343

Using Your Work Space [Brandt, Bruné, Elliott, Schneider, Somogyi, Wilson], v3p80

Review: The Workbench Book by Landis [Robert Lundberg], v3p470

It Worked for Me: Paint Pegboard White [Tim Earls], v3p480

It Worked for Me: Cam Clamp Vise [Fabio Ragghianti], v3p482

It Worked for Me: Velcro Tool Holder [Robert Steinegger], v3p486

It Worked for Me: Bowling Ball Work Stand [Willis Groth], v3p490

It Worked for Me: Versatile Work Stand [Taffy Evans], v3p493

Wood, trees

Dalbergia Nigra and Friends [William Cumpiano], v1p14

The Red (Spruce) Scare [Ted Davis], v1p46

Wood's Appearance [William Cumpiano], v1p74

South American Rosewood [John Jordan], v1p132

Ed Arnold: String-Tie Kind of Guy [Nicholas Von Robison], v1p248

African Rosewood [John Jordan], v1p338

Way Down Upon the Amazon River [John Curtis], v1p412

Indian Import and Export [Gulab Gidwani], v1p428

Meet Victor Gardener [Frederick C. Lyman, Jr.], v2p158

Stalking Northwest Tonewoods [Bruce Harvie], v2p210

Amazon Timbers Update [Todd Taggart], v2p302

Logging Luthiers [Banchero, Burton, Toon], v2p446

Review: Wood Handbook by Forest Products Laboratory [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: The Encyclopedia of Wood [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Wood in Australia by Bootle [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Understanding Wood by Hoadley [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Elseviers Wood Dictionary, Vol. I by Beekman [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Checklist of United States Trees by Little [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Imported Wood Purchasing Guide by Int. Wood Trade Pub. [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Review: Tropical Timbers of the World by Chudnoff [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Review: What Wood is That? by Edlin [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Review: Whittling and Woodcarving by Tangerman [NicholasVon Robison], v2p505

Review: Eisenbrand Inc. by Exotic Hardwoods [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Meet the Maker: Myles Gilmer [Todd Brotherton], v3p42

The Sawmill at Poussay Gayle Miller, Ken Sribnick], v3p174

North American Softwoods [Davis, Harvie, McMinn, Will, Wilson], v3p226

A Primer on Botanical Pronounciation [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p231

Whence Tree Names? [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p235

Brazilian Tonewoods [Roberto Gomes], v3p275

Inside Pacific Rim Tonewoods [Steve McMinn], v3p288

The Great White Sitka [Jeffrey Elliott], v3p290

Sustainability: An Issue Confronting Luthiers [John Curtis], v3p298

Review: Identifying Wood by Hoadley [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p467

Questions [Byron Will], v3p475

Wood, soft

The Red (Spruce) Scare [Ted Davis], v1p46

Wood's Appearance [William Cumpiano], v1p74

Manuel Velázquez: An Appreciation [William Cumpiano], v1p96

William DelPilar: Thirty Years of American Lutherie [Ted Davis], v1p150

Continental Plank Fest [Ervin Somogyi], v1p172

Two Spruces [Ervin Somogyi], v1p176

An Overview of the Hauser Tradition [Jeffrey R. Elliott], v1p274

Paul Schuback [Paul Schuback], v1p304

The Steel String Guitar Today [Krimmel, Larrivée, Ross, Somogyi, and Steinegger], v1p474

Review: Selected Articles from VSA Journal [Ernest Nussbaum], v1p501

Which Spruce is That? [Dana Bourgeois], v2p37

Meet Robert Lundberg [Kent and Aggie Rayman], v2p78

The Cranked Top [Brett Borton], v2p208

Stalking Northwest Tonewoods [Bruce Harvie], v2p210

Meet Frank "Andy" Johnson [Jonathon Peterson], v2p294

Spruce Bridge Plate [Rion Dudley], v2p384

Logging Luthiers [Banchero, Burton, and Toon], v2p446

Voicing the Steel String Guitar [Dana Bourgeois], v2p470

Dana Talks Wood [Gila Eban], v2p476

Questions [Cyndy Burton], v2p480

Thoughts on Steel String Guitar Making [Jean Larrivée], v3p37

Meet the Maker: Myles Gilmer [Todd Brotherton], v3p42

Meet the Maker: Maurice Dupont [Paul Hostetter], v3p200

North American Softwoods [Davis, Harvie, McMinn, Will, Wilson], v3p226

Torres Guitar Restoration [R. E. Bruné], v3p280

Inside Pacific Rim Tonewoods [Steve McMinn], v3p288

The Great White Sitka [Jeffrey Elliott], v3p290

Big Blue Ladder [Harold Turner], v3p309

Some Alternative Lutherie Woods [Tom Ribbecke], v3p372

Alternative Lutherie Woods List [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p376

Review: The Luthiers Mercantile Catalog [Cyndy Burton], v3p467

Questions [Byron Will], v3p475

Wood, other

Electronic Moisture Meters [Gregory Jackson], v1p44

Building a Plywood Bass [Richard Ennis], v1p92

South American Rosewood [John Jordan], v1p132

In Praise of the Plywood Bass [Frederick C. Lyman, Jr.], v1p148

Our Great Spherical Friend [Frederick C. Lyman, Jr.], v1p196

African Rosewood [John Jordan], v1p338

Building the Tar [Nasser Shirazi], v1p382

Letter to the Editor [Michael Parsons], v1p429

Repairing the Sitar [Dave Schneider], v1p432

Lost Shirts and Curved Braces [Harry Fleishman], v1p464

Another Bass Idea [Richard Ennis], v1p467

A Port, but No Pins [William McCaw], v1p468

Tap It and Tune It [David Freeman], v1p470

Is Your Wood Ready to Use? [George Manno], v2p24

Meet Wes Brandt [Jonathon Peterson], v2p238

Testing Tonewood Samples [Graham Caldersmith], v2p400

Meet José Yacopi [Roberto Blinder], v2p414

A Low Cost Bass [Frederick C. Lyman, Jr.], v2p430

Try Cherry! [John Calkin], v2p469

Questions [Cyndy Burton], v2p480

Review: Wood Handbook by Forest Products Laboratory [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: The Encyclopedia of Wood [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Wood in Australia by Bootle [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Understanding Wood by Hoadley [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Elseviers Wood Dictionary, Vol. I by Beekman [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Checklist of United States Trees by Little [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p504

Review: Imported Wood Purchasing Guide by Int. Wood Trade Pub. [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Review: Tropical Timbers of the World by Chudnoff [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Review: What Wood is That? by Edlin [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Review: Whittling and Woodcarving byTangerman [NicholasVonRobison], v2p505

Review: Eisenbrand Inc. by Exotic Hardwoods [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p505

Meet the Maker: Myles Gilmer [Todd Brotherton], v3p42

Birth of the Strat-Compatible Parts Industry [Jay Hargreaves], v3p53

Inside Warmoth Guitar Products [Ken Warmoth], v3p60

Using Your Work Space [Brandt, Bruné, Elliott, Schneider, Somogyi, Wilson], v3p80

A Talk with Bob Taylor [Phillip Lea], v3p126

Free Plate Tuning [Al Carruth], v3p136

The Sawmill at Poussay [Gayle Miller, Ken Sribnick], v3p174

Meet the Maker: Roberto Gomes [Cyndy Burton], v3p272

Brazilian Tonewoods [Roberto Gomes], v3p275

Meet the Maker: Tom Ribbecke [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p370

Some Alternative Lutherie Woods [Tom Ribbecke], v3p372

Alternative Lutherie Woods List [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p376

Jatoba [Deb Suran, Nicholas Von Robison], v3p420

It Worked for Me: Guitar Set Stickers [David Freeman], v3p489

Wood, hard

Dalbergia Nigra and Friends [William Cumpiano], v1p14

Wood's Appearance [William Cumpiano], v1p74

A Love Affair with Wood [C. F. Martin III], v1p84

Manuel Velázquez: An Appreciation [William Cumpiano], v1p96

A Chat with Don Manuel [William Cumpiano], v1p99

Tárrega Played a Maple Guitar [David Macias], v1p114

Building the Kamanché [Nasser Shirazi], v1p126

South American Rosewood [John Jordan], v1p132

Ocelot Ear and Spruceana [Don Musser], v1p135

William DelPilar: Thirty Years of American Lutherie [Ted Davis], v1p150

African Rosewood [John Jordan], v1p338

Lemon Oil and Carnauba Wax [Jimmie Van], v1p352

The Case for Using Natural Dyes [Nicholas Von Robison], v1p372

'Way Down Upon the Amazon River [John Curtis], v1p412

Indian Import and Export [Gulab Gidwani], v1p428

An Interview with Jeffrey Elliott [Joseph Bacon], v1p454

The Steel String Guitar Today [Krimmel, Larrivée, Ross, Somogyi, and Steinegger], v1p474

Review: Luthier's Mercantile Catalog [Fred Battershell], v1p492

Flattening Rosewood Potato Chips [Ervin Somogyi], v2p66

Stalking Northwest Tonewoods [Bruce Harvie], v2p210

Meet Frank "Andy" Johnson [Jonathon Peterson], v2p294

Amazon Timbers Update [Todd Thggart], v2p302

Working with Koa [Bob Gleason], v2p460

Voicing the Steel String Guitar [Dana Bourgeois], v2p470

Dana Talks Wood [Gila Eban], v2p476

Questions [Cyndy Burton], v2p480

Thoughts on Steel String Guitar Making [Jean Larrivée], v3p37

Meet the Maker: Myles Gilmer [Todd Brotherton], v3p42

Stalking the Wild Maple [John E. Boser], v3p173

Meet the Maker: Roberto Gomes [Cyndy Burton], v3p272

Brazilian Tonewoods [Roberto Gomes], v3p275

Torres Guitar Restoration [R. E. Bruné], v3p280

Some Altemative Lutherie Woods [Tom Ribbecke], v3p372

Altemative Lutherie Woods List [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p376

Jatoba [Deb Suran, Nicholas Von Robison], v3p420

Review: The Luthiers Mercantile Catalog [Cyndy Burton], v3p467

Wood, dealers

Continental Plank Fest [Ervin Somogyi], v1p172

Ed Arnold: String-Tie Kind of Guy [Nicholas Von Robison], v1p248

H. L. Wild [Paul Wyszkowski], v1p250

A Scene from Dickens [Steve Curtin], v1p251

Out of the Basement [Richard Bingham], v1p252

'Way Down Upon the Amazon River [John Curtis], v1p412

Indian Import and Export [Gulab Gidwani], v1p428

Review: Luthier's Mercantile Catalog [Fred Battershell], v1p492

Stalking Northwest Tonewoods [Bruce Harvie], v2p210

Logging Luthiers [Banchero, Burton, and Toon], v2p446

Meet the Maker: Myles Gilmer [Todd Brotherton], v3p42

North American Softwoods [Davis, Harvie, McMinn, Will, Wilson], v3p226

An Interview with H. E. Huttig [R. E. Bruné], v3p250

Inside Pacific Rim Tonewoods [Steve McMinn], v3p288

Some Altemative Lutherie Woods [Tom Ribbecke], v3p372

Violin family (see also Physics, violin)

Area Tuning the Violin [Keith Hill], v1p20

Violin Ribs/Latent Tension [John Meng], v1p25

Bow Hair Jig [Thomas Snyder], v1p88

Violin Top Removal [George Manno], v1p153

Rosin Varnishes [Louis DeGrazia], v1p167

Experimental Violin Acoustics [George Bissinger], v1p232

Violin Top Crack Repair [George Manno], v1p258

Violin Varnish and Sealers [Graham Caldersmith], v1p262

Fiddle Facts [Al Stancel], v1p296

Paul Schuback [Paul Schuback], v1p304

Remembering Harry LeBovit [Fred Calland], v1p360

Jack Batts [Jeff Feltman], v1p390

American Plucked Instruments at the Shrine to Music Museum [Joseph R. Johnson], v1p398

Marvels among the Reeds [Susan Norris], v1p419

Violin Bridge Holder [Al Carruth], v1p439

"1704" Varnish Recipe [George Manno], v1p451

Letter to the Editor [William T. Walls], v1p481

Violin Q&A [George Manno], v1p482

Review: The Strad Facsimile by Ward [Fred Battershell], v1p487

Review: Technique of Violin Making by Wake [Fred Battershell], v1p489

Review: Violin-Making As It Was, And Is by Heron-Allen [Kirk Janowiak], v1p494

Review: Italian Violin Varnishes by Fry [George Manno], v1p498

Review: Selected Articles from VSA Journal [Ernest Nussbaum], v1p501

Review: Violin Set-Ups and Adjustments by Erlewine and Newson [George Manno], v1p502

Review: Manuscript on Violinmaking by Marchi [Don Overstreet], v1p502

Review: Appraisers Reference Manual by Florence [George Manno], v1p502

Tuning Air Resonance [W. D. Allen], v2p6

Making Organic Colorants Light Safe [George Manno], v2p32

Opening and Cleaning Cracks [Al Stancel], v2p34

Why Are Old Violins Superior? [Graham Caldersmith], v2p46

Meet Manuel Davila [H. E. Huttig], v2p61

"Formula 411" Varnish [George Manno], v2p66

Meet Hammond Ashley [Tim Olsen], v2p82

The Witten-Rawlins Collection [Joseph R. Johnson], v2p100

English Boxwood Peg [D. R. Patton], v2p135

Meet Gene Harner [Ted Davis], v2p136

Meet Victor Gardener [Frederick C. Lyman, Jr.], v2p158

Letter to the Editor [John Randerson], v2p161

An Introduction to the Stradivarian Mystique [Tim Olsen], v2p162

Notes on Preparing Lake Pigments [Geary Baese], v2p206

Classic Italian Violin Varnish [Geary Baese], v2p214

Violin Horror Stories [Al Stancel], v2p239

Meet Fredenck C. Lyman, Jr. [Jonathon Peterson], v2p248

Meet Ralph Rabin [Jonathon Peterson], v2p300

Violin Varnish Retouching [Michael Darnton], v2p306

Letter to the Editor [Michael Darnton], v2p345

Violin Bridge Tuning [Al Carruth], v2p349

Wood Treatment and Sizing Materials [Rick Rubin], v2p362

Violin Varnish [Michael Darnton], v2p376

Meet Nancy Conescu [Cyndy Burton], v2p392

Waterglass vs. Calcium Silicate [John Chipura], v2p393

Graduation Marking Device [Michael Darnton], v2p449

Meet Ivo Pires [Jonathon Peterson], v2p465

Questions [Cyndy Burton], v2p480

Violin Q&A [Michael Darnton], v2p486

Review: The Shrine to Music Museum [Tim Olsen], v2p492

Review: Useful Measurements for Violinmakers by Strobel [Al Stancel], v2p494

Looking at Lutherie Schools [Banchero, Freeman, Kirmser, Vincent, Warnock], v3p16

Attic Strads [Michael Darnton], v3p22

Seth Summerfield, Luthier [Bill Colgan, Jr., Greg Bernd], v3p24

Meet the Maker: Donald Warnock [Cyndy Burton], v3p32

Peg Hole Bushing and Cheek Patching [Al Stancel], v3p75

Using Your Work Space [Brandt, Bruné, Elliott, Schneider, Sotnogyi, Wilson], v3p80

Meet the Maker: Michael Darnton [Jonathon Peterson], v3p124

Free Plate Tuning [Al Carruth], v3p136

Chemical Stains [Michael Darnton], v3p266

Meet the Maker: Guy Rabut [Tim Olsen], v3p268

Reproducing the Finish of the "Rawlins" Stradivari Guitar [Geary Baese], v3p292

Applications of the Silicone Heating Blanket in Violin Making [George Borun], v3p328

Violin Setups [Michael Darnton], v3p352

What You Should Know about the Hardanger Fiddle [David Goldber], v3p410

Violin Q&A [Michael Darnton], v3p446

Review: How to Make a Violin Bow by Henderson [David Riggs], v3p462

Review: Making Stringed Instruments by Buchanan [Fred Casey], v3p464

Questions [Steve Banchero], v3p473

It Worked for Me: Veneer Plane [Peter Schaefer], v3p476

It Worked for Me: Bow Hair Storage [Al Stancel], v3p477

It Worked for Me: Soundpost Setter [Dale Randall], v3p480

It Worked for Me: Violin Repair Tips [Dorothy Carlson], v3p484

In Memoriam: Hammond Ashley [Dave Wilson, Peggy Warren], v3p499

In Memoriam: Mario Maccaferri [John Monteleone], v3p503

Viol / Viola da Gamba

Repairing the Viola da Gamba [Lawrence D. Brown], v1p246
Building the Vihuela and Viola da Mano [John Rollins], v1p362
Review: Lutes, Viols and Temperaments  by Lindley [Ed Kottick], v1p488
Review: The Early History of the Viol  by Woodfield [Christopher Allworth], v1p495
Review: The Shrine to Music Museum  [Tim Olsen], v2p492


Building the Vihuela and Viola da Mano [John Rollins], v1p362

Review: The Early History of the Viol by Woodfield [Christopher Allworth], v1p495

Review: Guitar and Vihuela: An Annotated Bibliography by McCutcheon [Joseph Johnson], v1p499

Meet José Yacopi [Roberto Blinder], v2p414


Premiata Liuteria [Mario Maccaferri], v1p256

Roy Smeck: Wizard of the Strings [James Garber], v1p436

Working with Koa [Bob Gleason], v2p460

Tuning, temperament, and intonation

Tuning the Guitar [Ian Noyce], v1p288

The Truth about Temperaments [Ed Kottick], v1p386

Review: Lutes, Viols and Temperaments by Lindley [Ed Kottick], v1p488

Review: 1/1: Quarterly Journal of the Just Intonation Network [Ed Kottick], v1p490

Hammered Dulcimer Tuning Tricks [Edward Damm], v2p335

Hammered Dulcimer Partials [Nicholas Von Robison], v2p418

Taking the Guitar Beyond Equal Temperament [Don Musser], v3p210

It's a Kabosy [Paul Hostetter], v3p386

Questions [John Sullivan], v3p473


Remembering Hermann Hauser II [H. E. Huttig], v2p154

Hammered Dulcimer Tuning Tricks [Edward Damm], v2p335

The Portuguese Guitarra: A Modem Cittern [Ronald Louis Fernández], v3p108

Shortening SchaUer Shafts [David Golber], v3p310

A New Look at Harp Guitars [Bruné, Elliott, Fischer, Klein, Peterson, Rolig, Sandén, Sullivan], v3p334

Product Reviews [Harry Fleishman], v3p434

It Worked for Me: Miniature Tumbuckle [Bill Garofalo], v3p492

Tools, power

Pneumatic Cylinders [Michael Jacobson-Hardy], v1p26

Bandsaw Riser Block Joel [Ivan Hawley], v1p29

Potassium Dichromate, Oxalic Acid, and Carnauba Wax [Jeffrey R. Elliott], v1p36

Template Routing [Ron Lira], v1p47

Micro Table Saw [William Conrad], v1p136

Fret Slot Template-Bar [Richard Ennis], v1p188

Sanding Table [Steve Andersen], v1p239

Arched Plate Copier [Steve Grimes], v1p312

Simple Carving Machine [Richard Ennis], v1p316

Cutting Classic Head Slots [Richard Jordan], v1p336

Fret Slotting Jig and Formula [John Schofield], v1p401

Harvey Thomas and the Infernal Music Machine [Tim Olsen], v1p440

Routing Mandolin f-holes [John Schofield], v2p81

The "Belly Art" of Japanese Lutherie [R. E. Bruné], v2p86

Steve Andersen's Precision Pantograph [Jonathon Peterson], v2p115

Making Bridges Using Power Tools [Kent Rayman], v2p289

An Inexpensive Bow Winding Lathe [Gary Fish], v2p412

Inside Warmoth Guitar Products [Ken Warmoth], v3p60

Using Your Work Space [Brandt, Bruné, Elliott, Schneider, Somogyi, Wilson], v3p80

A Talk with Bob Taylor [Phillip Lea], v3p126

The Sawmill at Poussay [Gayle Miller, Ken Sribnick], v3p174

Thickness Sanding Disk for Drill Press [Gavin Baird], v3p218

A Walk Through Gibson West with Ren Ferguson [Jonathon Peterson], v3p244

The Great White Sitka [Jeffrey Elliott], v3p290

At the Workbench of the Twelfth Fret [Brandt, Peterson, Price, Steinegger, Zogg], v3p422

It Worked for Me: Tiny Table Saw [Dale Randall], v3p478

It Worked for Me: Dremel Repair [Nick Blanton], v3p483

It Worked for Me: Dremel Speed Dimmer [Dale Randall], v3p487

It Worked for Me: Peghead Template Routing [Skip Helms], v3p487

Tools, other

Electronic Moisture Meters [Gregory Jackson], v1p44

Two Lacquer Tips [Ted Kellison], v1p72

Illuminating Instrument Repairs [John Jordan], v1p73

Letter to the Editor [Patrick W. Coffey], v1p147

Sanding Table [Steve Andersen], v1p239

Guitar Stand for Spraying [Michael Parsons], v1p430

It Worked for Me [C. F. Casey], v2p478

It Worked for Me [John Kitakis], v2p478

The Sawmill at Poussay [Gayle Miller, Ken Sribnick], v3p174

Micro-mesh [David Freeman], v3p308

Review: The Luthiers Mercantile Catalog [Cyndy Burton], v3p467

Tools, measuring

Is Your Wood Ready to Use? [George Manno], v2p24

Special Caliper for Cello [Jack Levine], v2p246

Finding Pickup Phase with a VOM [Ralph Novak], v2p413

Graduation Marking Device [Michael Darnton], v2p449

Voicing the Steel String Guitar [Dana Bourgeois], v2p470

Dana Talks Wood [Gila Eban], v2p476

Free Plate Tuning [Al Carruth], v3p136

At the Workbench [Wes Brandt], v3p303

Wet/Dry Bulb Thermometers [J. E. Patterson], v3p313

Violin Setups [Michael Darnton], v3p352

It Worked for Me: Drill Size Chart [Gerhart Schmeltkopf], v3p481

It Worked for Me: Guitar Nut Tools [John Higgins], v3p488

Tools, jigs

Guitar Back-Fitting Jig [Ted Davis], v1p13

Pneumatic Cylinders [Michael Jacobson-Hardy], v1p26

Template Routing [Ron Lira], v1p47

Bow Hair Jig [Thomas Snyder], v1p88

Brace Arching Jig [Dana Bourgeois], v1p177

Lute Rib-Cutting Jig [Robert Cooper], v1p182

Fret Slot Template Bar [Richard Ennis], v1p188

Calculating Radii [Chris Foss], v1p321

The Spanish Patrón [William Conrad], v1p344

Fret Slotting Jig and Formula [John Schofield], v1p401

Routing Mandolin f-holes [John Schofield], v2p81

Collapsible Cello Mold [Jack Levine], v2p194

Inside Warmoth Guitar Products [Ken Warmoth], v3p60

A Talk with Bob Taylor [Phillip Lea], v3p126

A Walk Through Gibson West with Ren Ferguson [Jonathon Peterson], v3p244

Violin Setups [Michael Darnton], v3p352

It Worked for Me: Use Scraper on Plexiglas [Phillip Lea], v3p478

it Worked for Me: Fret Slotting Guide [Bill Garofalo], v3p483

It Worked for Me: Vise for Venéer Strips [Mark Tierney], v3p485

It Worked for Me: Peghead Template Routing [Skip Helms], v3p487

It Worked for Me: Fretboard Tapering Jig [Colin Kaminski], v3p492

It Worked for Me: Dished Workboard [Colin Kaminski], v3p496

It Worked for Me: Convex Radius Form [Greg Descoteaux], v3p498

It Worked for Me: Wedge Work Stand [Jonathon Peterson], v3p498

Tools, hand

Luthier's Long Knife [C. F. Casey], v1p17

Internal Probing Tool [Elliot Burch], v1p45

Illuminating Instrument Repairs [John Jordan], v1p73

Three Helpful Tools [Brian Mascarin], v1p77

Drafting Instrument Plans [Ted Davis], v1p108

Paul Schuback [Paul Schuback], v1p304

More on Bridge Gluing [Robert Doucet], v1p431

Plexiglas Sanding Blocks [Jay Hargreaves], v1p473

Violin Q&A [George Manno], v1p482

Two Tools for Inside Jobs [Harry Fleishman], v2p60

File Sharpening [Jonathon Peterson], v2p76

The "Belly Art" of Japanese Lutherie [R. E. Bruné], v2p86

Special Caliper for Cello [Jack Levine], v2p246

Six Lutherie Tools [Jeffrey R. Elliott and Jonathon Peterson], v2p330

Questions [Cyndy Burton], v2p480

Violin Q&A [Michael Darnton], v2p486

Meet the Maker: Herb David [Dan Erlewine], v3p46

Using Your Work Space [Brandt, Bruné, Elliott, Schneider, Somogyi, Wilson], v3p80

The Spanish Guitar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art [R. E. Bruné], v3p194

A Walk Through Gibson West with Ren Ferguson [Jonathon Peterson], v3p244

At the Workbench [Wes Brandt], v3p303

Violin Setups [Michael Darnton], v3p352

Another Look at Fretting [Ralph Novak], v3p368

Sharpening Scrapers [Robert Lundberg], v3p416

Product Reviews [Harry Fleishman], v3p434

Review: Steel-String Guitar Construction by Sloane [David Riggs], v3p463

Review: Making Stringed Instruments by Buchanan [Fred Casey], v3p464

Review: The Luthiers Mercantile Catalog [Cyndy Burton], v3p467

It Worked for Me: Glass Bedding a Plane Blade [David Riggs], v3p476

It Worked for Me: Fret Crowning File [Dale Randall], v3p477

It Worked for Me: Use Scraper on Plexiglas [Phillip Lea], v3p478

It Worked for Me: Sharpening Scrapers [Chris Foss], v3p479

It Worked for Me: Soundpost Setter [Dale Randall], v3p480

It Worked for Me: Velcro Tool Holder [Robert Steinegger], v3p486

It Worked for Me: Guitar Nut Tools [John Higgins], v3p488

It Worked for Me: Fret Nippers [Colin Kaminski], v3p489

It WorkedJor Me: Radiused Sanding Block [Wayne Kelly], v3p497

It Worked for Me: Wedge Work Stand [Jonathon Peterson], v3p498

Tools, created

Guitar Back-Fitting Jig [Ted Davis], v1p13

Luthier's Long Knife [C. F. Casey], v1p17

Pneumatic Cylinders [Michael Jacobson-Hardy], v1p26

Bandsaw Riser Block [Joel Ivan Hawley], v1p29

Internal Probing Tool [Elliot Burch], v1p45

Illuminating Instrument Repairs [John Jordan], v1p73

Three Helpful Tools [Brian Mascarin], v1p77

Bow Hair Jig [Thomas Snyder], v1p88

Micro Table Saw [William Conrad], v1p136

Letter to the Editor [Patrick W. Coffey], v1p147

Bridge Regluing Caul [Sam Sherry], v1p181

Lute Rib-Cutting Jig [Robert Cooper], v1p182

Sanding Table [Steve Andersen], v1p239

Arched Plate Copier [Steve Grimes], v1p312

Simple Carving Machine [Richard Ennis], v1p316

Barber Chair Workbench [Michael Sanden], v1p343

Heat Gun Powered Bending Iron [F. William Fais], v1p396

Guitar Stand for Spraying [Michael Parsons], v1p430

Violin Bridge Holder [Al Carruth], v1p439

Plexiglas Sanding Blocks [Jay Hargreaves], v1p473

Two Tools for Inside Jobs [Harry Fleishman], v2p60

Flattening Rosewood Potato Chips [Ervin Somogyi], v2p66

Bending Mandolin Sides [Dick DeNeve], v2p108

Steve Andersen's Precision Pantograph [Jonathon Peterson], v2p115

Letter to the Editor [Arnold M. J. Hennig], v2p221

Special Caliper for Cello [Jack Levine], v2p246

Resetting a Dovetailed Neck [Jonathon Peterson], v2p312

Maximum Mirrors [Dale Randall], v2p318

Six Lutherie Tools [Jeffrey R. Elliott and Jonathon Peterson], v2p330

An Inexpensive Bow Winding Lathe [Gary Fish], v2p412

Thrifty Wooden C-Clamp [C. F. Casey], v2p429

Graduation Marking Device [Michael Darnton], v2p449

Bending Sides with Silicone Blankets [Michael Keller], v3p30

A Talk with Bob Taylor [Phillip Lea], v3p126

Thickness Sanding Disk for Drill Press [Gavin Baird], v3p218

At the Workbench [Wes Brandt], v3p303

Applications of the Silicone Heating Blanket in Violin Making [George Borun], v3p328

Another Look at Fretting [Ralph Novak], v3p368

It Worked for Me: Veneer Plane [Peter Schaefer], v3p476

It Worked for Me: Bow Hair Storage [Al Stancel], v3p477

It Worked for Me: Fret Crowning File [Dale Randall], v3p477

It Worked for Me: Sports Glasses [Fred Casey], v3p477

It Worked for Me: Tiny Table Saw [Dale Randall], v3p478

It Worked for Me: Soundpost Setter [Dale Randall], v3p480

It Worked for Me: Soak Sides in Tubes [Bill Garofalo], v3p480

It Worked for Me: Funnel for Vacuum [Richard Echeverria], v3p483

It Worked for Me: Fret Slotting Guide [Bill Garofalo], v3p483

It Worked for Me: Modified Clothespin Clamp [Tim Earls], v3p484

It Worked for Me: Lining Clamps [Robert Steinegger], v3p484

It Worked for Me: Pole Lathe [Gerhart Schmeltkopf], v3p485

It Worked for Me: Vise for Veneer Strips [Mark Tierney], v3p485

It Worked for Me: Spring Brace Jack [Richard Echeverria], v3p486

It Worked for Me: Fret Slot Saw [Ake Bjomstad], v3p486

It Worked for Me: Clothespin Brace Jack [Harry Fleishman], v3p487

It Worked for Me: Bowling BaU Work Stand [Willis Groth], v3p490

It Worked for Me: Vacuum Tank [Colin Kaminski], v3p491

It Worked for Me: Versatile Work Stand [Taffy Evans], v3p493

It Worked for Me: Dished Workboard [Colin Kaminski], v3p496

It Worked for Me: Radiused Sanding Block [Wayne Kelly], v3p497

Tools, clamps

Pneumatic Cylinders [Michael Jacobson-Hardy], v1p26

Regluing Guitar Bridges [Ken Donnell], v1p168

Martin Bridge Caul [Dick Boak], v1p230

Violin Q&A [George Manno], v1p482

Two Tools for Inside Jobs [Harry Fleishman], v2p60

Flattening Rosewood Potato Chips [Ervin Somogyi], v2p66

Thrifty Wooden C-Clamp [C. F. Case], v2p429

Thoughts on Steel String Guitar Making [Jean Larrivée], v3p37

Using Your Work Space [Brandt, Bruné, Elliott, Schneider, Somogyi, Wilson], v3p80

A Talk with Bob Taylor [Phillip Lea], v3p126

A Walk Through Gibson West with Ren Ferguson [Jonathon Peterson], v3p244

It Worked for Me: Fret Clamping Caul [Chris Brandt], v3p479

It Worked for Me: Cam Clamp Vise [Fabio Ragghianti], v3p482

It Worked for Me: Modified Clothespin Clamp [Tim Earls], v3p484

It Worked for Me: Lining Clamps [Robert Steinegger], v3p484

It Worked for Me: Spring Brace Jack [Richard Echeverria], v3p486

It Worked for Me: Side Crack Setup [Richard Echeverria], v3p486

It Worked for Me: Clothespin Brace Jack [Harry Fleishman], v3p487

It Worked for Me: Fly Tier's Vise [Nicholas Von Robison], v3p489

It Worked for Me: Bowling Ball Work Stand [Willis Groth], v3p490

It Worked for Me: Vacuum Tank [Colin Kaminski], v3p491

It Worked for Me: Versatile Work Stand [Taffy Evans], v3p493

It Worked for Me: Fretboard Binding Clamp [Colin Kaminski], v3p494